JS1K Winner

The JS1K winner has been announced. The entry is described in detail in a post by the programmer here.

This post desribes in detail the techniques used to whittle the size down. I found some of these interesting as well as amusing at times. Here is an excerpt.

So how does the game know where the coins are, if it is not explicitly keeping state for them? Every block whose random height is divisible by 6 gets a coin, and when the player collects the coin, .1 is subtracted from the height, and the coin no longer shows up.

And here’s another one which abbreviates long canvas context method names :-

At the start of the program there is a for/in loop that goes over the properties of the canvas context, and adds a new property, with a shorter name, for each of them. It took some experimenting to find an abbreviation algorithm that doesn’t have clashes on any of the methods we use—I ended up using the first letter of the name plus the 7th letter, if any. So lineTo becomes l, and quadraticCurveTo becomes qt.

There are various other gems in there.

So, if packing more functionality into less code is your thing; have a gander.
